For those unaware, PVP Watchdog was a popular anti-cheat for the game based on its Dark Souls 1 namesake. Set it to start offline, then restart your game so the changes are in effect.īlue Sentinel is an anti-cheat mod made by Luke Yui, one of the developers of PVP Watchdog.

The option to prevent the game from going online can be found in the game settings. If you don’t give a damn about Co-op or PVP though, it’s the best solution. The easiest way to protect yourself from the hack is to play your game offline, but I find that it’s also the least fun. The lengths these filthy lowlives will go to just to ruin someone else’s experience frankly amazes me. The exploit can potentially manipulate your save file in other ways too. This will also break some progression flags in your save and prevent you from warping to High Wall of Lothric. You can progress through the Cemetary of Ash as normal, but will not be able to leave Firelink Shrine. The scum of the earth will send you to the beginning of your current New Game cycle with a broken save. If you aren’t the host, and instead are invading or getting summoned by a sweaty neckbeard using the hack, your situation is far more unfortunate.

While this sucks, it won’t brick your save file and you can make it to where you were before. When this happens, you’ll lose any progress you had on your current cycle. If you are a host getting invaded by a using the hack, they will send you to New Game+. With it these pathetic losers can send you to New Game+ by force, among other things. This malicious exploit allows hackers to manipulate your save file flags.

Recently, a hack has spread through the Dark Souls III community.